Dr Selwyn KateneAuthor

Dr Selwyn Katene (Ngāti Toa, Ngāruahine, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Tama) a fifth-generation Mormon, is an adjunct professor at Victoria University of Wellington and a former Massey University Assistant Vice-Chancellor. His publications include three books about Mormon leaders in New Zealand – Let Their Light So Shine (2021), By Their Fruits You Will Know Them (2017) and Turning the Hearts of the Children (2014) – and books on Māori leadership and scholarship, including Conversations about Indigenous Rights (2018), Point of Order, Mr Speaker? (2017), Fire That Kindles Hearts (2015), The Spirit of Māori Leadership (2013) and Future Challenges for Māori (2013).A. Keith Thompson completed his first law degree at Auckland University and was a solicitor and partner in a commercial law firm before moving to Sydney to work as International Legal Counsel for the Church in the Pacific and then Africa. He currently teaches law at the University of Notre Dame Australia’s Sydney School of Law and Business, most recently as Professor and Associate Dean. He has served in the Church as a Bishop in Sydney, President of the Auckland New Zealand Harbour Stake and President of the New Zealand Wellington Mission. He currently serves as a gospel doctrine teacher and National Communications Director for the Church in Australia.

Books by Dr Selwyn Katene...