Fiona CramAuthor

Fiona Cram (Ngati Pahauwera) is the founder of Katoa Ltd, a small company who specialises in Kaupapa Maori research, evaluation and training. She has a PhD in social and developmental psychology from the University of Otago. She has lectured in Social Psychology and has been a Senior Research Fellow within IRI (the International Research Institute of Maori and Indigenous Education), at the University of Auckland. Jessica Hutchings (Ngai Tahu, Ngati Huirapa, Gujarati) is a Kaupapa Maori research leader trained in the fields of environmental and Indigenous studies. She is the Director Maori of the Building Better Homes Towns and Cities National Science Challenge. She has a PhD in environmental studies and completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Maori health research. Jo Smith (Kai Tahu, Kati Mamoe, Waitaha) is a senior lecturer at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington. Her research examines the socio-political power of media with a primary focus on how colonial histories inform contemporary media technologies, institutions, aesthetics and practices.

Books by Fiona Cram...