Heather KennedyAuthor

Rev Kennedy grew up in Feilding. She joined the Presbyterian Church in Levin, when the family moved to Tatum Park. A trained nurse, after 20 years working in aged care at Horowhenua Hospital, Heather and husband Jim moved south. She studied Theology at Otago University, then moved to Invercargill as Parish Assistant at First Presbyterian Church, working with children, youth & women’s groups. Heather was involved in Bible in Schools, School Chaplaincy, Tertiary Chaplaincy, ICHC, Girls’ Brigade Chaplaincy & ecumenical activities. She was ordained in 2008, and ministered at First Church & the Southland Regional Resource Ministry, while completing a Masters of Ministry degree. After Transitional Ministry training, Heather served the Ellesmere Co-operating Parish, Ashburton Methodist Church, and was a member of the Uniting Congregations Aotearoa NZ Standing Committee.

Books by Heather Kennedy...