Jcl PurchaseAuthor
JCL (Jenny) Purchase is a senior secondary teacher of English, French, and ESOL, but has also taught an eclectic range of subjects in the tertiary sector. Possessing extensive academic and business writing experience, since completing a master’s degree in creative writing at AUT in 2009, and a post-graduate diploma in communication studies in 2011, she has branched increasingly into fiction, scriptwriting, reviewing, and article writing. Some of her work has been published in journals, publications, anthologies, and online, and in 2022, she released a collection of short stories, Transit Lounge (Lasavia Publishing). One of Jenny’s short stories received Creative New Zealand funding to be made into a short film, and she has also received special mentions in the Katherine Mansfield Short Story Competition and the Aeon Competition. She is currently working on an epic historical novel in the classic tradition, a memoir/philosophical reflection on her life and times, and a second collection of short stories. She campaigns tirelessly for magazines, newspapers, and periodicals to publish more short fiction and poetry.