Jenny PowellAuthor

Jenny Powell is a Dunedin writer who has published seven individual and two collaborative collections of poems, the most recent, South D Poet Lorikeet in 2017. In 2016 she wrote The Case of the Missing Body; a non-fiction account of a woman who has no sense of her body (OUP). Her two collaborative theatre pieces had successful debut seasons, and she has since been commissioned to write a piece with Anthony Richie for young people’s choir and orchestra. In 2020 she was an RAK Mason Writing Fellow and performed poems at the 2020 Festival of Reading ‘Yarns in Barns’, Wairarapa, and was part of the inaugural performance ‘Southern Writers’ at Te Awe Library, Wellington. Also in 2020 she was a support poet for Poet Laureate David Eggleton at his inauguration at Matahiwe Marae. Powell was nominated by Takahē Literary Magazine for the international  2020 ‘Best of the Net’ anthology.

Books by Jenny Powell...