Jessica Howland KanyAuthor

JESSICA HOWLAND KANY was born on Manhattan Island (NYC) and now resides on another extraordinary island: Rakiura Stewart Island, New Zealand. She has lived there since 2002, editing the Stewart Island News (SIN) since 2005. Between island lives, she graduated from Washington University in St Louis, Missouri; lived in San Francisco; wrote for the Jackson Hole News in Jackson, Wyoming; and worked at the Lahaina Library in Maui, Hawaii. On Rakiura she has worked at the pub, the post office/flight centre and is “desk crew” for her fisherman husband. Other hats include librarian, rat trapper, trail runner, “Foveaux foodie”, artichoke enthusiast, and running a myths & legends club for kids. Her writing has appeared in Running Times, North & South, New Zealand Geographic, New Zealand Gardener, Sky & Telescope, Wilderness Magazine, and The Island Review. Besides boogie-boarding with her boys, her favourite pastime is splitting wood.

Books by Jessica Howland Kany...