Justin DuckworthAuthor

Alan and Justin have known each other for a
quarter of a century in various capacities in church leadership.

Justin was elected Archbishop Tikanga Pakeha
of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia in May 2024,
having served as Bishop of Wellington since 2012, during which time his passion
has been for the renewing of Jesus' church; most often through the interplay of
centre and edge expressions. He is the co-founder of Urban Vision, a movement
of local residential intentional communities which seek to serve those at the
margins of their neighbourhoods. Justin is married to Jenny, and lives in Whanganui.
He is father to the marvellous Luca, Jesse and Maya.

Justin and Jenny have also co-published Against
the Tide, Towards the Kingdom
(Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2011).

Alan has been an Aotearoa New Zealand pastor
for 30 years. He has is also sociologist who has researched faith development.
He is married to Sandra and lives in Otautahi Christchurch close to their
children and four grandchildren. He has written four prior books:

* A Churchless
(Philip Garside Publishing Ltd, New Zealand, 2000). Published
internationally by SPCK, 2002.

* Called Again, (Philip
Garside Publishing Ltd in NZ, 2004.) Retitled and published internationally as,
Journeying in Faith, by SPCK, 2004.

* Five Years
(Portland Research Trust, New Zealand 2006.)Published internationally by SPCK
under the title, Church Leaving, 2006.

* Chrysalis:
The hidden transformation in the journey of faith
, (2008,
Carlisle: Paternoster). Republished in French as Chrysalide: les
Metamorphoses de la foi
, 2016.

Books by Justin Duckworth...