Lea SteningAuthor

Lea Stening is a registered dietitian and nutritionist with more than forty years experience specialising in sports nutrition and paediatrics. She has worked in all areas of school sporting codes and also nationally at high performance and academy levels including eight years with New Zealand Cricket, five years with New Zealand Rowing, and twelve years with New Zealand Paralympian sports. Lea’s work has taken her to Melbourne and London where she has worked in hospitals and private clinics, helping people with dietary-related health problems such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, gastrointestinal problems, allergies and intolerances. Lea is a member of Sports Dietitians Australia and PINES (Professional in Nutrition and Exercise and Sport), and believes that all sports dietitians and physical educators, working together globally can improve the health and physical activity of our children through better nutrition education, support and understanding. Health promotion has also been an important part of Lea’s work, involving public lectures, writing regular newspaper and magazine articles as well as conducting television and radio interviews. She is passionate about helping developing athletes and their families improve their physical and mental performance through better nutrition. Her mission. To build a supportive environment in which children can thrive, grow to be confident, fit and strong and carry a love for exercise and sport well into their adult life. Lea is the author of Nutrition Manual for Developing Rowers, 2005 and Healthy Kids, Happy Lives, 2017. In her new book How to Grow an Athlete: From Playground to Podium she focuses on children and sports nutrition and the basic themes that encourage healthy eating can be applied to the whole family.

Books by Lea Stening...