Madeline K AdamsAuthor

Madeline K Adams is an intuitive with thirty years experience in transpersonal astrology and psychology. She writes from her Aquarian perspective guided by the creative intelligence of her soul. Madeline's vision is to inspire others to walk the inner path and learn to trust in the heart wisdom of their soul. She believes that when we re-shape our awareness of Feminine Essence, this resonates with the truth in our hearts and carries the power to bring balance and healing to our selves and our world. Madeline's first book Odyssey of a Creatress is her personal Soul Story. Knowing she can no longer live as an un-awakened soul and she begins to embrace the gifts of her authentic self. In her second book The Sacred Dance of Soul, Madeline introduces the reader to the Creatress, the Persephone Woman, the Modern Mystic and re-defines the pure essence of the feminine as an intelligence that is a subtle and mystical inner power that resides within each of us. Madeline is the Creatress of the Soul Star series. She resides in New Zealand.

Books by Madeline K Adams...