Michelle YandleAuthor
Nutrition Coach. Healthy Food Ambassador. Teacher. Author. Cat Lover. Recovered Yo-Yo Dieter. A certified Health and Nutrition Coach, Michelle Yandle is also an international speaker with IISB, successful entrepreneur, Empowered Eating(TM) coach and two-time author with a focus on traditional diets for health, and nutrition coaching for Empowered Eating(TM). Originally from Canada, Michelle received her bachelor degree at Dalhousie University, Halifax while later achieving a graduate degree in education at the University of Maine at Fort Kent. She then furthered her education with a graduate certificate through the school of Holistic Performance Nutrition and certificates in health and nutrition coaching from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and Cadence Health in New Zealand. Michelle's health advice has featured in such magazines as Nadia Magazine and Healthy Food Guide. She has been a guest blogger at AwesoME Inc(R) - where this series on Gentle Nutrition was first published, as well as Ecostore, Elephant Journal, NZ Woman and more. She has also been a guest on The Hitz Radio and The AM Show, a regular feature in local and national newspapers and is an author and National Ambassador for Nuzest New Zealand. AwesoME Inc(R) is your starting point to creating a healthier and happier you. We know that when crisis hits having skills that build up our resilience can be a life-saver. We bring together a team of passionate and professional people with a purpose to create a happier and healthier world. The aim is to help people enhance their happiness and well-being, with resources, tools, and techniques based on positive psychology, including gratitude journals and resilience training for adults and children. Gratitude, mindfulness, exercise and nutrition are all ways you can build resilience and help you keep focused, positive and calm in the face of adversity. We want to empower individuals to create happiness in their own lives, and to reach people, with our amazing resources and tools, to help them do just that. Change Your Thoughts. Change Your Perspective. Change Your Life.