Peter ButlerAuthor

AUTHOR: Peter Butler - Author of two non-fiction titles: Opium & Gold, the story of the early Chinese goldminers in NZ and Life & Times of Te Rauparaha - the story of the famous warrior as told by his son Tamihana. His first novel, Gravel Roads, was published in 2010 and was well reviewed. He lived for many years on a bush block near the Heaphy Track, and still has a farm there growing horopito commercially, though he now lives in Nelson. His first job in the Bay was working on the Heaphy Track for the Forest Service, so he knows it well. He also knows what native flora and fauna can be used for, which is incorporated into the story. He is the Chair of the Farewell Wharariki HealthPost Nature Trust, helping to restore 12,000 hectares at the NW tip of the South Island.

Books by Peter Butler...