Fa'afetai Ta‘asēAuthor
Fa'afetai Ta‘asē was born on 8 July 1965, the son of Vaotupu and Levine Ta'asē. The family lived in Cannons Creek and was well known in Porirua, contributing to the community as teachers, church leaders and artists.
Fa‘afetai had cerebral palsy and spent his early years in and out of hospital. Porirua was his home, and he was educated there and in Wellington. Fa‘afetai started out as a performance poet in the 1980s. His work explores themes of identity, family, love, faith and politics with a New Zealand-born Pacific lens. He writes with a sharp eye and a warm heart.
Fa‘afetai died unexpectedly in October 2022. He was laid to rest with his parents at Whenua Tapu Cemetery just outside Porirua.