
Beyond Burnout: How to Spot It, Stop It and Stamp It Out

by Suzi McAlpine

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How to cope with stress and avoid burnout in yourself, your co-workers and employees. Burnout is costing us. There are the personal costs to health and finances, organisational costs in lost productivity and sick leave, and national costs when it comes to healthcare services and similar. Following her own first-hand experience, as well as the countless similar scenarios she's seen in her role as an executive coach, Suzi McAlpine has created a book about burnout to help create environments and organisational cultures that reduce its occurrence. This couldn't come at a more important time. The World Health Organisation has upgraded the classification of burnout to a syndrome - believing it to be a significant factor influencing people's health and, by extension, that of our organisations and societies. As well as actionable tools and key takeouts, each chapter/ section will include information about how to recognise the signs of burnout, and practical how-tos for leaders to reduce its presence in organisations. She also explains how to treat and address burnout when it is present.

About the Author

Suzi McAlpine is an international speaker, author of award-winning blog The Leaders Digest, and creator of The Leaders Map, an online leadership program for organisations wanting to better equip their emerging leaders. As a leadership development specialist, Suzi writes, coaches and speaks about accomplished leadership. She also specialises in recognising and addressing burnout in organisations, following her own experience and the front-row seat she's had in her role as an executive coach. With a BBS in Management (first class honours), Suzi's career has spanned a variety of industries and positions, culminating in her leading the New Zealand Practice of a division of the world's largest HR consultancy and executive search firm, before moving into the executive coaching world. Suzi has worked alongside CEOs and executive teams in many guises - industry bodies, law and medical groups, corporates, and chambers of commerce. Suzi is passionate about helping leaders to create environments in which people, as well as profits, thrive. She is married with three children and lives in Nelson, New Zealand.

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