The Lighthouse Princess
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The 2021 Storylines Gavin Bishop Award-winning picture book is a delightful contemporary fairytale about an independent princess, who looks after a very special lighthouse lamp, fishes off the balcony and goes swimming with seals. A vibrant modern fairytale about a lighthouse-keeper princess who rescues a boy in a storm - winner, Storylines Gavin Bishop Award 2021. "Do you need rescuing from this tower?" he asked her. "No," she said, "I like it here." The Lighthouse Princess is almost perfectly happy. She takes care of the light that keeps ships at sea safe, catches fish off the balcony and swims with penguins and seals. But one day, a little fishing boat with green sails sets out just as a storm blows up... Poet Susan Wardell's debut picture book is a celebration of independence and friendship, with magical and award-winning illustrations by Rose Northey, recipient of the Storylines Gavin Bishop Award 2021.
About the Author
Susan Wardell (Author) Susan Wardell is from Dunedin, New Zealand. She lives by the harbour, and teaches at the University of Otago, while raising two small humans and a modest indoor jungle. Alongside academic writing Susan publishes in a variety of creative genres. Her poetry, micro-fiction, book reviews and literary essays have been published in a variety of journals throughout Australasia, and won several awards. Rose Northey (Illustrator) Rose Northey is a Wellington-based illustrator and poet. She spent three comfy years in Product Development Engineering before realising she wanted to try her luck at a creative career. She has produced her own comedy fringe show and illustrated a visual novel game for the indie studio, SkyBear Games. A TedxAuckland Alumni and the current champion of the Going West Writers Festival Poetry Grand Slam, Rose brings a sense of joy and silliness to all of her art forms.