Bangkok In 12 Dishes: How to Eat Like You Live There
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Nowhere, but nowhere, gets a foodie’s pulse racing like Bangkok — the Thai capital dazzles with its vibrant cuisine. Eating opportunities lurk down every alley, waterway and high street, making gorging non-stop the name of the Bangkok game.
For the food lover, Bangkok is Nirvana. The product of Chinese, Muslim, Central Thai regional and royal influences, the city’s frenzied kitchens have spawned distinctive dishes. Pad Thai, tom yum goong, mee grob, kao mok gai and satay — these are just the tip of the veritable iceberg. Beside these, there are oodles of noodle dishes, tons of different curries, endless ways with seafood and compelling sweets, street food snacks, braises, salads, barbecues, soups and stir fries.
Fragrant, spicy, sweet and salty, the flavours are a revelation. To make sense of them you need a culinary companion and happily, we’ve made one.
Poise your fork for some serious gluttonising, with Bangkok In 12 Dishes as your guide.
About the Author
Antony Suvalko is an unlikely mix of a foodie-centric technology geek and digital media specialist. He has over 25 years hands-on business experience under his belt including the running of his own successful catering company in NZ. Leanne Kitchen is a well-known food and travel writer and photographer who has morphed from professional chef to, variously, food stylist, food editor, cooking demonstrator, recipe developer, travel and food photographer and cookbook author. She is based in Sydney, Australia.