
The Fly That Flew

by Monique Rowe

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About the Author

When I was young the school gave up on me, telling my parents that I would never learn to read and write. So, my parents got a private tutor who soon also have up and said the same thing. They must have wondered what they had adopted. My mother painstakingly taught me herself. I recently found huge books with massive hand drawn pictures, that she had made in an effort to help me read and write. I also recently found one made by my artist grandmother with stunning paintings which I am also turning into a book. Long story short I can read and write. I wrote this when I was younger after watching my dad chase a fly around the house with his rolled-up newspaper. When my father was diagnosed with cancer I decided to have it made into a book to give to him for Christmas. I also dedicated it to my mum as without her I wouldn't have even been able to write this biography.

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