
My Way: A Daughter's Journey into the World of Dementia

by Sandi Wilson

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"I looked at this man whom I had loved, admired and indeed feared all my life, and I felt such pain and grief for him. He couldn't fathom in his addled mind, that this was going to be his new life now. Thoughts of guilt, regret, pain....all wrapped up into this moment, and I had to be the one to tell him, 'this is your new home now Dad.'" With candid honesty, emotional depth, topped with moments of humour; come along and see how it all went for one woman, as we take, 'A Daughter's Journey into the World of Dementia.'

About the Author

Sandi has always had a love for words. Hours spent laying in a hammock on the front lawn of their farm, reading all the novels she could find in her parents library, as well as the library at school. Floating off into imaginary worlds, wondering about foreign cultures, places beyond the rural world Sandi was living in - books and poetry of many different genres, ignited her young wandering soul. Journaling became a mainstay early on in life, and remains to this day. After seeing her adult daughters leave in quick succession, Sandi started a blog to share her thoughts with a new audience. Blogs became a story and the story became a book. The book to her surprise, was picked up by a leading publisher and started Sandi on a brand new journey. Sandi and her husband Neil, started an Independent Publishing House, SparkleMoon Publishing (, to bridge a gap between authors and publishing houses that didn't seem interested in the Faith based niche, locally. Currently she is writing a second book in the Mirabelle series, and focused on helping her authors in their respective literary journeys.

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