Pathways of Taranaki
by Tom O'Connor
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A historical novel on the life of New Zealand's legendary fighting leader Te Rauparaha in the early 1800's. Pathways of Taranaki is the sequel to Tides of Kawhia and the prequel to Shadows of Kapiti. The trilogy reveals the little known and fascinating true stories of New Zealand's Maori history at the time of early European arrival, especially Te Rauparaha and his tribe Ngati Toarangatira (Ngati Toa). Told through the eyes of a fictional character Te Rou Rou, the story draws on extensive written histories, oral traditions, ancient songs and knowledgeable elders. The tales of heroism, treachery, Maori cultural norms of the time and the spiritual influences on tribal life are all historically accurate. Driven from their ancestral homelands of Kawhia and Taharoa by powerful Waikato and Ngati Maniapoto tribes, Ngati Toa set out on a forced-migration south towards their promised new home in the Manawatu and Horowhenua. To get there they must pass through the difficult and dangerous Taranaki lands bringing everyone with them including children, the elderly and injured. Also included from eye witness accounts is the famous single combat contest between the Waikato leader Te Wherowhero, who became Potatau (the first Maori king), and several dozen of the best fighters Te Ati Awa could muster. This duel is recognised as being without equal in our history. The author pulls no punches and tells it like it was, violent, bloody, sad and inspiring.
About the Author
Tom O'Connor is a journalist and historian who has specialised in Maori issues for more than 40 years. He was born into a pioneering family who settled on land at Kawhia in 1906 and where he began school in 1949. As a Maori Affairs journalist for the Marlborough Express in Blenheim during the 1980s, he met and spent time with, kaumatua from several iwi who introduced him to details of local history, both written and oral, which, when added to what he knew of Ngati Toarangatira from North Island history led to this and subsequent historic novels.