by Pat Backley
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"A perfect weekend or holiday read"
Sit back, relax and escape for a little while into the world of DAISY.
"DAISY" is a gentle family saga, spanning almost 100 years, from 1887 to 1974. It is set in Alabama, Harlem and London and incorporates some of the evils of society -- poverty, racism and snobbery -- as well as some of the greatest that life has to offer -- family, friendship and love.
"Being born poor was a scar that never faded."
"She had never experienced racial hatred first hand, so had no real idea of how it could erode a person's whole life."
About the Author
Pat Backley is an English woman, who at the age of 59 decided to become a Kiwi. She now lives in New Zealand and when not writing, loves to travel the world, particularly spending lots of time in the Fiji Islands with her beloved extended Fijian family, or visiting her daughter who currently lives in London. She also gardens, paints, loves interior design, walks on the beach and socialising. In short, an ideal existence. Not that it was always so easy, as her soon-to-be-published memoirs will explain!