
Max and his Big Imagination - Five book collection

by Chrissy Metge

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Max is a little boy with a huge imagination, his adventures are to encourage and inspire children to use their imagination wherever they are!

The collection includes:

  1. The Beach: Today Mother and Max are going to the beach to build a sand dragon and soon Max finds himself flying with the dragon over the sea and making new friends.

  2. The Safari: Max has a cold. He plays in his bedroom with his animal toys. WOOOSH! Suddenly Max finds himself in Africa on a real Safari!

  3. The Sandpit: Max is playing in a sandpit with his toy digger, then all of a sudden he is in a huge quarry driving a real digger and making friends with dinosaurs!

  4. The Race Car: Max makes a great racing car out of a cardboard box, he finds out to win a race you need fuel which means having a good breakfast before starting the day.

  5. The Shadow: Max discovers an imaginary world with tigers who show him shadows can be so much fun and Max finds out in the end he isn't scared of shadows after all!