We've Got Cancer: An insight into one couple's challenging journey of cancer diagnosis and treatment
by Kushla Rolls
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My partner was suddenly diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma with 80-90 percent saturation of cancer in his blood - plus a chromosome deletion to top it off. He's now in stringent complete remission, so you may find this a little interesting! I've told the story from beginning to end. You get it all from diagnosis, medical aspects, detailed description of the treatments he underwent like chemotherapy and stem cell transplant, side effects, and amazing results. It's all told in simple language, in a story telling way, to create ease as you read. Plus you get what it was like for me, his partner through this journey. Hence the title We've Got Cancer. There are a few twists and turns, tips that are good to know, and I suppose there's a love story entwined. It started as a diary, which then became my saviour, which in turn has become a book. I wrote it, in the end, for you, so I made sure to include all I wish we had known in advance, and to share just what it's like to be placed on this path of unknown territory. Let's face it, it can be just a little daunting! So I seriously hope with all my heart that this book can offer you some comfort, advice, insight, understanding, knowledge and hope within these pages." "Kia Kaha. Tena koutou e te whanau." [Stay strong. Welcome to our family.] (Te reo Maori, Aotearoa, New Zealand)
About the Author
Kushla was born and bred in New Zealand. In true Kiwi style she has travelled the world but always chosen to keep New Zealand as her home. Living in Auckland, Kushla has a private practice working predominantly as a therapist helping her clients through emotional distress. She has a love for philosophy and has over the past 25 years enjoyed a spiritual path of learning as she navigates her way through life. Her passion's have led her desire to write, to reach further in helping others going through challenging times. Using her own real life experiences and knowledge, she writes in a simple story telling way bringing helpful information, tips, pitfalls, successes and opportunities of hope.