
Just Imagine: A drawing book for children

by Joanne McDougall

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First drawing book for school age children Training the eye in shape recognition. Building dexterity in hand Minimal written instruction. Information presented visually Reading not necessary, but parental collaboration desirable. Illustrated using school grade coloured pencils and felts Flat space - no distance.............. Visual narratives constructed along a line • Perspective and foreshortening only when unavoidable • Minimal overlapping shapes The child should be able to leaf through the book, alone, choose a project and produce a successful drawing. Once confident, they will modify my sample drawings to create their own. Adults will utilise in play, as a textbook or create lesson plans from various projects.

About the Author

My first book "A Southern Tale," came about after running a weather station in the Southern ocean, and encountering the wildlife there. Drawing and painting have been a life long hobby, and provided an income while I was raising a family. After 20 years teaching children art in my home studio, I thought I'd offer my knowledge in book form. This is how I would teach drawing most efficiently, keeping within an appropriate age/skill level of difficultly.

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