
Workplace Bullying: The Beat Up -- Ultimate Betrayal in the Fourth Estate

by Anendra Singh

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Having stared down the barrel of AK-47 rifles in the Fiji military coups, journalist Agnes Whippy emigrates to New Zealand to keep her career alive. Three decades on, the advocate of uncompromising journalism reveals how fickle the Fourth Estate foundations can be. It takes a historic newsroom coup to make editor-from-hell Bradman Brown walk the plank. The monster is no mistake. He is part of the corporate skullduggery to stay viable. Bullying is rife, homophobia rampant, sexual harassment is rendered a joke, nepotism reigns and sick staff are stalked. Scribes contemplate suicide. Alcohol and even crystal meth become their poison to escape harassment. Heart attack, stroke and cancer take their toll. Age is no barrier as staff choke back tears when editorial heavies reach for verbal knuckle dusters to address hiccups. Jeopardizing careers in an incestuous fishpond is no option so some flee. Corporate media’s pitch from the moral high ground drips with hypocrisy and deception as it goes to any length to stay in the news game. Education is no protection for scribes. Free from the shackles of Cyber slavery due to Covid-19, Agnes finds the media industry is part of why NZ was voted the No 2 bullying nation in 2016. Agnes retraces her career path from Fiji, reliving the highs and lows while helping raise a young family with her husband, Vijay. She hopes the media landscape will be salvaged in time for the young generation of scribes to experience the passion and enjoyment she did.

About the Author

Anendra Singh started his journalism career on completing his tertiary studies in Suva, Fiji. He two-fingered his way with a typewriter through the stone-subbing era before emigrating to New Zealand in 1988, following the military coup in his birth country the year before. With his father working under coup leader Sitiveni Rabuka’s ministry as a senior civil servant, the journalist made a life-defining decision to carve a niche in the NZ media landscape. This maiden book is an extension of his love of writing. As a casualty of the pandemic, the redundant scribe lets his mind run wild during the lockdown last year. With bullying rife in the NZ workplace, he wove a riveting plot countless people may identify with globally. He also has entered the ‘intriguing’ world of freelance writing to keep alive his love for written words.

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