
The Jesnarian Chronicles: The Scourge: 2021

by E.A. Golden-Mouton

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Bragouzon (Zon) Aquavia is an eighteen-year-old young man who finds himself with an extraordinary destiny. Growing up in a time when gods roam the earth and are ever-present in every life, he is initiated into the world of orgies, rituals, and sacrifice on his home island of Keftiu. After saving himself and his friend from sure death, he finds himself tasked with being the Earth Guardian, by the earth mother herself. His objective is to free his homeland from the grip of a maniac queen bent on becoming a goddess by using human sacrifices. In his bid to find a solution to the problem, and intentionally disobeying his father, Bragouzon lands on the wrong side of Poseidon, the ocean god, and is punished by being sent to Aeaea. After years of captivity on the enchanted island, Bragouzon learns the darker side of the immortals and the power they wield. With the help of Gaia, he becomes more than her guardian was ever meant to be. Follow Bragouzon's journey back to his homeland, a trip fraught with danger and eventually his past catches up to him. Will he leave a trail of death all the way to the palace of Cnossos? The Jesnarian Chronicles records an event that destroyed earth. The Scourge is book 2 in the series and follows the Earth Guardian's beginnings.