A Praising Heart: Poems to His glory
by Joanna Nicol
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Through an eye for beauty and a lovely turn of phrase, Joanna Nicol explores the journey of life with all its joys and sorrows, doubts and fears. Her poems inspire us to notice the good gifts around us, encouraging us closer to the One in whom we live and move and have our being - Jesus, the One who can meet our heart-cry for peace, security and the assurance of being loved. We can rest in the hands of a loving God who wants to help us persevere and overcome, and be lifted up above our circumstances. The Bible says that we are 'created for the praise of His glory' - this book is Joanna's answer to that calling. Join in the song and be blessed by having a praising heart.
About the Author
Joanna was born and brought up in Kenya, East Africa. She travelled widely as a young adult and later, when married to a nautical Captain, sailed with him to many distant places, which stretched her imagination and gave her many ideas for her poetry. Becoming a dedicated Christian in the early 1980s, her poetry took on a different focus. Her hope is that people will be encouraged and challenged in their own life journey, while recognising that all good and gracious gifts come from the hand of a loving God who has a specific purpose and plan for each one of us.