
One Tiger / Two Tails

by Christodoulos Moisa

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One Tiger Two Tails is a historical novella mainly set in the South Island of New Zealand in the 1860s.On its way to Dunedin after a whale hunt, an American barque comes across a lifeboat containing the survivors of a sunken passenger ship. That intersect ties the fate and destiny of three people.In One Tiger Two Tails, histories from China, Greece, and France collide to fashion a narrative of high adventure, forbidden love, ruthless brinkmanship, unfaltering friendship, and steadfast loyalty.

PAUL BROOKS Midweek/New Zealand Herald. This novel by Chris Moisa is unlike any of his previous works ... His prose ... has been pared back, simplified, focusing on keeping the reader close to the action and the characters causing it or affected by it ... a story [of] ... Friendship, love, hope, despair, violence passion, as well as all the things that passed for daily life in Colonial New Zealand. One Tiger/Two Tails - highly recommended., 15 December 2021.

What was said about Blood and Koka Kola"This collection of short stories ... is everything such a book should be. The author has put his artist's eyes and poet's ear to good use. The stories have the sparseness of Hemingway and resonate with an understanding of the human condition - a prerequisite of the genre. They make compelling reading and the subject matter ranges from macabre to historical, from the mythical to the quirky, some enigmatic, others rich with humour and irony; all written with perfect pitch. The mix of New Zealanders and Cypriots reflects the author's own history and lends authenticity to the stories. It is a treasure." JOAN ROSIER-JONES - author of Waiting for Elizabeth"Moisa doesn't disappoint. His stories are wide-ranging, both in subject matter and character portrayal, and his wit and his perception of human frailty reflect a life lived in several manifestations. This collection covers stories from New Zealand scenes as well as echoing the six years spent as a child in Cyprus in the late 1950s and as a young man in 1973 and 1974. ... Several of Moisa's stories have the surprise ending which is imperative for a good story, and this is one of the strengths and delights of his book ... Blood and Koka Kola ... is a very interesting, insightful and appealing collection of short stories ..." MICHAEL O'LEARY - Landfall