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Nicole Titihuia Hawkins' first collection, Whai, introduces the voice of a strong and assertive poet, who is unashamedly herself. With poems centred around whanau, mana wahine, and love, Whai explores what it means to be Maori in a colonised space. These poems are playful, staunch, vulnerable and at times utterly hilarious. They have big kaiako energy. While her work is anchored in the present, Hawkins stays in conversation with her ancestors, and looks towards the future.
About the Author
Nicole (Ngati Kahungunu ki te Wairoa, Ngati Pahauwera) is a novice writer, avid home-baker and proud aunt. She lives in Poneke and works at a local high school teaching English, Social Studies and tikanga Maori. Nicole is also involved in pastoral care and facilitates Kapa Haka. Nicole has collaborated with other writers to host 'Coffee with Brownies', which are open mic events for people of colour to share their work in safe spaces. She co-hosted 'Rhyme Time', a regional youth event, with Poetry in Motion, to encourage a diverse range of youth to perform their incredible poetry. Nicole has work published by Overland, Capital Magazine, Blackmail Press and The Spinoff Atea and credits her courageous students with inspiring her to write.