Chalk, Cheese and a Baby: Maternal musings on lockdown life with littlies
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The book is divided in three sections. The first contains poems about the author's experiences of living through lockdown with her three preschool-aged children. The second contains poems about the highs and lows of pandemic parenting more generally. The third contains miscellaneous musings about various other COVID-19-related topics. The poems are complemented by charming black and white line drawings by Rebecca Gibbs. The experiences described in the poems are genuine and the drawings were mostly inspired by the author’s photographs.
About the Author
Anna Bloomfield is a lawyer and mother of three who lives with her family in Wellington, New Zealand. This is her first book, but it may not be her last. At the time of writing she was on parental leave from her job in the public sector. To her knowledge she is not related to New Zealand's Director-General of Health, Dr Ashley Bloomfield.