Songs of the Earth (1972 - 2021): Exhibition catalogue
by Roger Peters
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Exhibition catalogue for Songs of the Earth (1975-2021) shown at Pihama Lavender in Coastal South Taranaki, New Zealand in May 2021. It features twenty-eight works from two ends of a fifty-year period with works from 1972 to 1977 recreated and new works from 2017 to 2021 added. The works from the 1970s were created at Elam School of Art, Auckland and in the period after graduating, while the recent works were created in South Taranaki. The intervening forty years between 1977 and 2017 were spent developing the philosophical rationale and insights behind the art works. This led to a deep understanding of the mythic art of Marcel Duchamp by 1994. In turn there followed the first ever appreciation of William Shakespeare's brilliant nature-based philosophy from his 1609 Sonnets as the basis for all his plays and hence the philosophy behind all artistic endeavour at a mythic level.
About the Author
Roger Peters is an artist, philosopher and writer who lives and works in Taranaki, New Zealand. In 1995, he detected a profound and comprehensive philosophy in Shakespeare's 1609 Sonnets. The depth and scope of the insight explains why Shakespeare's plays and poems are increasingly relevant to today's global audience. Peters presented Shakespeare's nature-based philosophy in a 1760-page four-volume set William Shakespeare's Sonnet Philosophy in 2005 and has published further Volumes over the last few years. In 2021, Peters completed a fifty-year artistic project exhibited as Songs of the Earth (1975-2021).