
Meeting Change: The New Zealand Red Meat Story 1997-2022

by Ali Spencer

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Written to celebrate the New Zealand Meat Board's Centenary in 2022, 'Meeting Change' covers the past 25 years of evolution for the organisation and its place in New Zealand's wider red meat sector. Through a period of volatile political, cultural and economic uncertainty, the sector found a way to pull together strategically to survive and meet the change it faced head on with ingenuity, innovation and, sometimes, number eight wire. It's a great story, written by people who worked in the sector. Chock full of facts, incidents, innovations and strong characters, the book's authors cover the sector's "rather extraordinary culture" and events in an easy-to-read, accessible style. Spectacular improvements in productivity, collaboration between farmers and processors, the challenges for agrifood production from demanding markets around the globe - including shifting trade flows for New Zealand from west to east - the development of world-leading farming approaches, science and insights, cultural shift and earning social licence have all been required. All of which were tested, and found resilient, by Covid-19. The sector has proven it is capable of handling any change that might be thrown at it in the future and that there are many reasons to celebrate its 100th year.

About the Author

Former "Board" staff, authors Ali Spencer and Mick Calder spent a combined 78 years working in and alongside the New Zealand red meat sector witnessing the New Zealand red meat sector's evolution. Spencer went on to become a PR consultant in the UK/Europe and New Zealand and a writer and editor. Co-author of Meat Acts, Calder became secretary of the North-America based New Zealand co-operative the New Zealand Lamb Company.

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