
Infinite Mind: An exploration of psi and the capabilities of the human mind

by Kim Forrester

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Relive incredible stories. Explore incredible possibilities. During the Boer War, a young journalist’s hunch leads him to safety in the midst of treacherous enemy territory. In urban USA, a young nurse obeys a voice in her head and narrowly escapes death. In downtown New York, a Wall Street magnate earns a fortune on a single, intuitive impulse. Throughout history, and around the world, millions of people have experienced psi (psychic) insights and inspiration. For centuries, these experiences have been ignored, ridiculed or, worse, condemned people to torture or death. But in recent decades scientists have begun to validate - and unravel - these elusive experiences. Infinite Mind is an award-winning collection of true psi experiences and the modern research that is beginning to explain these phenomena. It is written for the intelligent explorer; those who seek a greater truth about psi experience and how it fits into our modern world.

About the Author

Kim Forrester is a mother, nature lover, global traveller, holistic well-being advocate and kindness enthusiast. As an award-winning author, educator and consultant, she combines cutting edge science with spiritual philosophy to inspire holistic well-being and fullness of living. She has featured in media throughout Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and the USA and regularly contributes to well-being and lifestyle publications all over the world.

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