
Robot Ted Forgets His Head

by Alyse Boaz

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Robot Ted slept in a short bed so took off his head to fit in but forgets it next morning. Calamity follows until Robot Ted's antics nearly end in his own destruction. He is saved with a happy ending. This book is all fun with a little reminder to children about being organised themselves.

About the Author

A love of writing & vivid imagination influence the children’s stories Alyse creates. Her first children’s picture book, 'Royal Blue' was published in August 2021 and illustrated by New Brighton artist Skanz aka Robert Scanlan. 'Sammy the Rooster' was illustrated by Wellington teenager Samantha Hart and published in April 2022. Alyse’ third picture book 'Robot Ted Forgets His Head', has also been illustrated by Robert Scanlan. Educational books authored by Alyse, include 'Marketing in New Zealand', 'Study Skills Made Practical' & three Business Studies workbooks for NCEA level one.

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