
BELATED ACCOLADES: Joint historical biography of Rosaline Frank & William Tyree

by Rosalina-Ludmila McCarthy

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BELATED ACCOLADES starts in Germany in 1842 with the migration of Jacob Frank, his wife Christina, their daughter Clara and 3 sons Jacob (Jnr) Christopher & Peter to Nelson, New Zealand. Their early life and problems with the NZ Company are balanced with their involvement in helping found the Catholic Church plus their involvement in the settlement in Nelson and their fight for education for Catholic children. When Christopher Frank married Emma Haslam the couple had two children before Rosaline Frank was born to them in 1864. PART 1 - Rosaline Frank - Her upbringing amongst the surrounding history of that time until she turned 21 years of age and began work with William Tyree. PART 2 - William Tyree Family life in Otago, his beginnings in photography, travelling to the North Island, the West Coast of the south Island as itinerant photographer before finally arriving in Nelson. PART 3 - Rosaline begins work for William - early lowly beginnings, learning the chemical realities, type of studio work and promotions, darkroom work being done, studio descriptions inside and outside, problems with William Tyree, Rosaline given more responsibility to culminate in 1895 to William Tyree giving Rosaline Frank the Power of Attorney to handle his business & personal interests. PART 4 - Rosaline Frank manages the Studio amongst the myriad of other things William has burdened her with. Her whole life revolves around these responsibilities of William and in some cases the mess that ensues that she has to sort out. Somehow amongst all this she manages to find time for her own prize winning photographic work. Meanwhile in Australia William thanks to his long running court cases desperately needs funds so sells the Studio building to Hallensteins then the photographic studio to Rosaline with an ambiguous proviso. PART 5 - Even though Rosaline now owned the studio, William did not ' let go' and caused several problems for her until his death in 1924. Meanwhile she faced difficult times with two world wars and the governmental restrictions that ensued until she sold the studio in 1947. PART 6 - The retirements years instead of being restful were anything but. Problems began with 'her' photographic Collection of historical photographic plates & negatives. Pressure from others was mounting. Her health was suffering and if it wasn't for the help of her neighbour Mrs Beatrice Duncan Rosaline would not have been able to manage until her death in 1954. EPILOGUES PART 1 - When the Author went to visit the grave of Rosaline Frank in 1990 she was horrified to find only thistles covering it. With the help of the Nelson Chamber of commerce fund raising began and a headstone erected. Later, the Nelson City Council would name a street in Rosaline Frank's name along with that of William Tyree. PART 2 - A summary of other Tyree Studios & Agencies owned by William Tyree and dispels some of the myths of who actually photographically owned what between William and Fred Tyree. PART 3 - The story of the Tyree Collection - how it began, who did what to it, and its journey towards having a Museum built to house it and its receiving UNESCO Heritage Status. APPENDIXES APPENDIX A - The background to Mary Ann and the tragedy that led to her becoming William Tyree's wife. APPENDIX B - William Tyree 'plays' at being a gentleman farmer directly after his marriage. APPENDIX C - How the Acetylene Gas disrupted the photographic studio and the problems that ensued until its demise. APPENDIX D - Failed in Nelson William Tyree tries to resurrect the Acetylene Gas Company in Australia but concentrates more on his inventions. However,numerous court cases slow things down to its end. APPENDIX E - William becomes embroiled in financially debilitation court cases with long lasting implications APPENDIX F - William Tyree travels to England originally intending to promote his scenic photographs but discovers Acetylene Gas and other inventions that will rule his life henceforth. APPENDIX G - William explores mining possibilities APPENDIX H - Patents & Inventions by William had Rosaline involved with their management APPENDIX I - The land holdings of William that Rosaline had to manage. This section also dispels the myth of who owned what between William and Fred Tyree. APPENDIX J - Fred Tyree, brother of William who worked part time for William as a staff photographer only. Dispels more myths of Fred's involvement in the Tyree Studio. REFERENCE SECTION Pages 355 - 430 Extremely detailed ABOUT THE AUTHOR page 431 brief bio only

About the Author

Rosalina-Ludmila McCarthy (formerly Palamountain) became Nelson's second woman professional photographer (after Rosaline Frank) with her own studio. One photographic career highlight was a commissioned assignment to India where she photographed Prime Minister Mrs Indira Gandhi. After photographing a Child Care Centre in Siberia, a joint career of photography and research writing work began with documentaries, radio play written/produced/broadcast, becoming radio interview host, plus work on scripted audio-visual photography and general photo journalism. Later qualifications including a Post Graduate Diploma in Museum Studies led to researching/documenting commissioned evidential reports for Organisational & Private Clients on a variety of topics including Historical Land Issues & Claims.

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