
The Productive Writer Guidebook

by Kathryn Burnett

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Yearning to write but keep putting off starting?

Or maybe you start out just fine but lose motivation and struggle to finish. I hear you, Writer, because I've been you.

Somehow another year rolls by and you're still not where you want to be. I wrote this book to help you figure out where you want to be, the steps you need to take to get there - and what's getting in your way.

"Finding a way to get unstuck had been at the forefront of my mind and I'd purchased a few other books on the subject. The Productive Writer Guidebook was the only one that resonated and got me over the hump." Amber Mathias

The Productive Writer Guidebook is an insightful, interactive book that helps you work through your priorities, quit procrastinating and build better writing habits - AND most importantly, figure out how to get out of your own way.

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About the Author

Kathryn Burnett is a writing coach, award-winning screenwriter and playwright with many produced screen/stage credits under her belt including "Under The Vines", "Fresh Eggs" and "My Life is Murder." She was recently published in the horror anthology “Remains to Be Told(Clandestine Press) and the world premiere of her play "Nicola Cheeseman is Back" opened in June 2024.

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