Mokolife - Joni Brooking: Te Kanoi ote uhi - the female energies of the modern chisel
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Moko kauae (female Maori chin tattoo) are steadily becoming an everyday sight in homes, streets, offices, parks and playgrounds throughout Aotearoa. Mokolife tells the story of Joni Brooking, one of our leading female moko artists, and some of the wahine whose lives she has changed forever and the challenges they have overcome. Mokolife provides an insight into a world few of us know and looks at what's driving the current resurgence of moko kauae. It provides an in-depth explanation of all aspects of moko kanohi (Maori facial tattoo) from the perspective of one of our leading female moko artists in an accessible and readable narrative. It is a valuable resource for students, artists and anyone interested in learning more about this artform. Brooking and others behind the thriving moko movement in Te Tairawhiti answer the questions people are afraid to ask and refute many of the myths around this ancient taonga.
About the Author
Tracey Cooper is a Whaingaroa-based writer with more than 20 years' experience as a journalist and writer.