A Long Road Trip Home
by John Allison
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A Long Road Trip Home goes to the heart of the matter. Invention is one thing, knowing is another. John Allison knows that the wisdom of experience leads to poems of discovery and revelation. These are poems whose governance is the reality of the imagination and the imagination of reality. It is all there in the language. By turns insightful, thoughtful, tender and reflective. His handling of myth, metaphor and symbol is exemplary, where myth is sacred history that returns us to ourselves and to who we are becoming in the forging of personality. And what an astonishment of images: "I cannot live by bread alone/ I become your hands"; "Rocks and the dead make good companions—/ and these trees shredded by the wind from a bleak/horizon"; "the home paddock singing in the dusk/ and the foal is prancing, dancing . . ." Since feeling is first, these are poems of heart-warming care, whose intelligence is the thoughtfulness that fills that deep hole behind words. They also ask that inevitable and archetypal question: How is it that we are so mysterious to ourselves and to the world at large? ––Michael Harlow
About the Author
John Allison's previous poetry collections include DIVIDING THE LIGHT (Poems 1986-93), Hazard Press, Christchurch 1997; BOTH ROADS TAKEN, Sudden Valley Press, Christchurch 1997; STONE MOON DARK WATER, Sudden Valley Press, Christchurch 1999; and BALANCE, Five Islands Press, Melbourne 2006. A PLACE TO RETURN TO, Cold Hub Press, Christchurch 2019; NEAR DISTANCE, Cold Hub Press, Christchurch 2020.