
Lulu La Ru - Steps Up As A Step-Mum

by Gina Bartlett

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"Lulu La Ru Steps Up As A Step-Mum" is a compilation of eight fun, quirky stories centered around a family that features a Step-Mum. Lulu La Ru is a slightly spoilt, single, child-free, professional woman who falls for a man who happens to have two young daughters. She's a fun, sassy character with a sharp wit and a heart of gold, who approaches every situation with a sense of humour and a "can do" attitude. Coming from a business background and an organised, peaceful and somewhat hedonistic lifestyle, Lulu La Ru is under the false belief that what worked for her in her previous life, will lwork for her in her new role - often with hilarious results - and she fast learns that it's a whole new world! The book is written from Lulu La Ru's perspective and follows the challenges she faces and the lessons she learns as she navigates her new role as a Step-Mum. Lulu La Ru is a lively read and is written in fun, light-hearted, rhyming style. The stories touch on universal themes such as the challenge of preparing politically-correct, healthy, nutritious school lunches, dealing with the chaos children create and navigating the intricacies of school gate politics. The book aims to resonate with readers by portraying the shared experiences and humour inherent in the roller-coaster ride of family life, regardless of its unique composition.

About the Author

Following a successful career spanning the legal, publishing and financial services industries, Gina embraced the opportunity to unleash her quirky sense of fun with these creative, perceptive and humorous stories on everyday family life. When not penning the latest adventures of her beloved character, Lulu La Ru, Gina loves nothing more than being active (hiking, biking, skiing and wind-surfing), satisfying her addiction to yoghurt and dark chocolate (no, not together!) and obsessing over the spreadsheets and lists she endlessly creates in an attempt to keep her life and creative projects in perfect harmony (albeit with varying degrees of success). An intrepid traveller and true lover of nature, Gina is always planning a new adventure and will use any opportunity to escape and seek inspiration from the world around her. At home in Auckland, New Zealand, Gina leads a dynamic family life, sharing her journey with her highly energetic husband two equally vivacious step-daughters. A chilled-out Labradoodle rounds out the household, providing some calm amid the hustle and bustle.

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