Residual Gleam
by Roger Hickin
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The poems of Residual Gleam speak of obsolete roosters and eccentric philosophers, of moth-eaten overcoats, of alcoholic raconteurs in long-gone public bars, of lost needles and Orkney kirkyards and out-of-tune pianos . . . Residual Gleam includes a sampling of Hickin's translations of the Nicaraguan poets Joaquín Pasos, Carlos Martínez Rivas, Ernesto Cardenal, and Blanca Castellón, along with the Chileans Juan Cameron and Sergio Badilla Castillo, and Mexican/New Zealand poet Rogelio Guedea. ‘A wonderful mix of earthly realities, deep, starry insights, and a vision making the world anew, making the familiar unfamiliar and the incomprehensible fugitively and sometimes amusingly meaningful.’ ––John Gibb
About the Author
Roger Hickin, who for much of his life has worked as a visual artist, has also written poetry since the 1960s and published translations of a number of Latin American poets. A town trod by poets, his study of the presence of Ōtepoti Dunedin in poetry, with poems and photographs by Peter Olds, was published by Dunedin UNESCO City of Literature in 2020. His most recent publication is a literary biography: Roderick Finlayson: A Man from Another World.