
Nature's Future Our Future: Missing Links and Workable Solutions

by Des Casey

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Nature faces a crossroads. What will we, ourselves a part of nature, do? Time is running fast but opportunities still exist to activate the human qualities of creativity, generosity, courage and wisdom - our greatest assets in times of difficulty. Hope resides in these qualities of the human spirit. Nature's Future Our Future is a clarion call for change, providing new insights for an active pathway through the environmental challenge. Key will be the attention we give to missing links - particularly our separating of nature's wellbeing from occupational life. What we do in careers and workplaces is one thing; a natural world in trouble is something else. Closing this gap will be pivotal for nature's future and for our own. Confronting the crisis entails every occupation and career redefining itself as being much more than its present priority - its existing understanding of what it is and what it does. Unless care for nature is written into the charter of each and every occupational arena and holds equal importance to any other goal, the road ahead will be extremely difficult. Alongside this shift will be the challenging of society's continuing belief that solutions to nature's decline can be achieved without changes to our political, economic and commercial interests and systems. A very different consciousness of what drives environmental deterioration is paramount. Strong, vocal leadership on every occupational front is imperative.

About the Author

Des Casey was raised in rural South Canterbury, NZ. His working life includes freelance journalism, a 40-year career in mental health (counsellor, family therapist, mediator, tutor) and five years with the Department of Conservation on Aotea Great Barrier Island. Des has a sociology degree, counselling qualifications and a post-graduate diploma in environmental management. He lives with his wife in Nelson.

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