by ANNWYN Katoosh Publishing NZ
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A spiritually transformative memoir of how grief awakened a New Zealand single mother through observing and learning from her teen son in the afterlife.
When seventeen-years old Tim crashes his car at the turn of the millennium, his younger, adoring sister, Laura is inconsolable. But while their mother, Annette, is also devastated, unlike Laura, she struggles to accept this is the
end of his life; because whispered voices in her ears are encouraging her to remember - but remember what?
Beginning in the small harbourside town of Lyttelton in the South Island of New Zealand, serendipitous encounters lead Annette to the universal truths of ancient wise masters, imparted through a gifted channel in her city. Excited to learn about soul agreements and discover that life is never ending, it is one thing to have knowledge and, quite another to actually live it - she has much inner work to do if she wishes to sustain an otherworldly relationship with Tim.
The perfect protagonist arrives in the form of German world cruiser, Manny. During the course of six years sailing around South Pacific islands, he challenges every inauthentic part of Annette, who has now reinvented herself as the adventuress Corky; he never calls her by that name.
Stripped of former acquired beliefs, Annette reaches depths of despair, entering into the dark night of the soul. It's a terrifying time of uncertainty and yet, she must make the leap of faith that will carry her into an entirely different way of being in the world - one that is heart centred. There is one tiny snag; her heart remains sorrowful.
Back in her hometown, again at the feet of ascended masters, she learns how to heal her heart through their wisdom alongside her new practice of energy healing. It's a joyful time as her heart opens and expands and, as her level of consciousness rises, she once again communes with Tim. She also attracts the attention of a large collective of souls who wish their story of suicide to be told from a spiritual perspective. Another collective ask her to speak about catalytic events such as the earthquakes that toppled her city of Christchurch in 2011.
Laura's journey is different; she suffers at both the human and soul level, as she and Tim are twin souls. But she notices the changes in her mother and marvels at her new found, loving, wisdom. And, her inner peace.
Hugely insightful and helpful to those yearning to connect with loved ones in the afterlife. And heartwarmingly comforting knowing there is no death, but the continuation of life. Especially during this time of change on Earth when a great number of souls, having fulfilled their soul agreements, are returning to their state of pure consciousness. ANNWYN and Tim's message means that untapped gifts held within grief can now be appreciated and utilised as tools of transformation, allowing the bereft to not just survive, but thrive!
About the Author
ANNWYN, privileged to observe and learn from her teen son's afterlife and between life, is a New Zealand spiritual mentor and sound-energy healer. For fifteen years she has shared wise insights springing from her unique, transformational journey through grief, coupled with ancient truths learnt over two decades at the feet of ascended masters. She quotes her son, Tim, stating 'My life was not cut short. There is no death - only the ever being of life.'
This story-like memoir supports humanity's upshifting consciousness and surging interest in parallels of existence. ANNWYN is a contributing author to the international best seller, 'Portals,' by Freddy Silva, leading expert on the overlap between physical and nonphysical realms.