
Cranial Bunker

by Stephen Oliver

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CRANIAL BUNKER, by the Australasian poet Stephen Oliver, is the latest offering after GONE / Satirical Poems: New & Selected (2016); Luxembourg (2018); The Song of Globule: 80 Sonnets (2020) and Unposted, Autumn Leaves: A Memoir In Essays (2021). Within this collection the reader will enjoy a broad sweep of lyrical, philosophic, and in some instances, epigrammatic poems, alongside a generous offering of prose poems to further enhance the 'strength and reach' of Oliver's celebrated poetic.

About the Author

Stephen Oliver is an Australasian poet of fifteen poetry collections, seven chapbooks, and one memoir. Poems translated into German, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian. Travelled extensively. Signed on with the radio ship The Voice of Peace 1540 kHz broadcasting in the Mediterranean out of Jaffa, Israel in the late 70s. Free-lanced in Australia/New Zealand as production voice, narrator, newsreader, radio producer, columnist, copy and feature writer, etc. Lived in Australia for 20 years. Currently living in NZ. Represented in the following: Writing To The Wire Anthology, edited by Dan Disney and Kit Kelen, University of Western Australia Publishing, 2016; The Australian Prose Poem Anthology, edited by Cassandra Atherton and Paul Hetherington, Melbourne University Press (2020); Poetry New Zealand Yearbook, edited by Tracy Slaughter, Massey University Press 2021. Recently published: Unposted, Autumn Leaves / A Memoir In Essays, Greywacke Press, Canberra, 2021.

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