Otago Central Rail Trail: easy guide
by Brian Miller
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An easy-to-use pocket guide designed to enhance and extend the experience of cyclists and walkers on the Otago Central Rail Trail. Following an introduction to the region's background and natural history, the book is divided into sections of the trail. Each section has colourful visual cross-sections, photos, ideas of what to do and see as well as suggestions for side-trips on each section of the trail.
About the Author
Brian Miller is the author of several top-selling books, including `The Highlands of Papua New Guinea' and `Digital Cameras the easy way', `Moments in Time - Ralph Miller - Artist', `Capturing Light' and co-author with Diane of `Otago Central Rail Trail - easy guide'. Diane Miller is the author of: Chile Bird, Alice's Adventures at the Castle, Stars of Orion and Josephine off the Rails.