Alps 2 Ocean Easy Guide
by Miller Brian
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The Alps 2 Ocean (A2O) cycle trail covers over 300 km - from Aoraki-Mt Cook (our highest mountain), past incredibly blue lakes, hydro canals and dams, across the iconic Mackenzie Country and down the Waitaki Valley, through `fossil country' and out to historic Oamaru on the coast - you will be travelling through a very special part of the South Island. The A2O Easy Guide gives you an overview of this part of New Zealand, its fascinating human history, as well as the region's distinctive natural features - glaciers, geology, the night sky, plants and animals, the climate and seasons... The book is divided into sections that can be travelled in a day, and cross-sections, maps and photos are useful visual aids throughout the book. Extra activities and side-trips are suggested that will add more fun to your trip.
About the Author
Brian Miller is the author of several top-selling books, including `The Highlands of Papua New Guinea' and `Digital Cameras the easy way', `Moments in Time - Ralph Miller - Artist', `Capturing Light' and co-author with Diane of `Otago Central Rail Trail - easy guide'. Diane Miller is the author of: Chile Bird, Alice's Adventures at the Castle, Stars of Orion and Josephine off the Rails.