Wild Colonial Girl: a New Zealand Adventure
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What? Leave India? Move to the colonies and make a new life there?
Melisande, appalled, gazed at her brother and fianc'e. She loved her life in India. She'd been cossetted, loved and happy there. Of course the plague meant a radical change, but they could still live on the family's small estate couldn't they? But, no. Brother Jeri didn't want to live in India, neither did fianc�e Richard. Both young men, filled with excitement at the thought adventure in the colonies, were determined to go, and Melisande must go with them. Her life turned upside down, rushed into her wedding, onto a ship and off to Australia, and finally New Zealand, Melisande has to learn how to run a home and cope with colonial New Zealand, a life so different from her Indian one. Can she make a home and a life as happy as her Indian one?
About the Author
p.d.r. lindsay has always preferred to write historical stories about ordinary people, the ones whose names and lives we don't know much about. Reading the diaries and letters of these people showed her how the basic human dilemmas do not change over the centuries. She finds that certain human trait both good and bad, can be better shown through historical stories than through contemporary ones and hopes that readers will think about those failings as they apply to today. She is concerned that certain social issues make repeat appearances over the centuries and likes her readers to think about the situations the characters find themselves in whilst enjoying their company. She's passionate about words, feels the loss of people like Shakespeare, those who wrote the King James Bible, poets who made words dance, like Gerard Manley Hopkins. She also loves to travel and find unusual settings for her stories, and then research to find a kernel of fact to grow her stories from. 'Peter Langdon worked as a full time designer at publisher Samuel French for 5 years, before going solo. He now takes on a wide variety of freelance projects across genres, specialising in historical fiction, fantasy and romance.' https: //reedsy.com/peter-langdon Freelance copyeditor and proofreader. Currently work for various divisions of Penguin. I have 30 years' experience in the trade. Freelance copyediting and proofreading for major publishers - HarperCollins, Penguin, Watkins. Most of my work these days comes from Penguin (Vintage, Michael Joseph). https: //reedsy.com/fiona-brown