Glimpses of Hope in East Timor
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Why would a sixty-year-old Kiwi woman go on eighteen trips to a war-stricken nation?
This is a fascinating tale about her involvement in one of the twenty-first century's newest independent countries, East Timor, after decades of fighting and oppression.
Your emotions will be stretched as you read about the atrocities inflicted upon this tiny nation, but you will uplifted by individual stories of courage and self-sacrifice amid horrible loss.
No matter how bad a situation, there is always hope.
About the Author
Born in England Christine spent her early working life in Europe, mastered the French language and served for sixteen years as a missionary in West Africa. After moving to New Zealand she turned her attention to the struggling nation of East Timor which she has visited eighteen times. Her driving passions are living simply, caring for the poor, helping people become Christians and encouraging them to explore global mission.