
The Gardener's Journal: 9

by Margaret Long

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Publishing three times a year, this longed-for journal of articles and photographs returns, catering for readers with a wide range of interests in the gardening world, including: * Gardens and Gardeners * Plants and Trees * Landscape and Design * Garden History * Travel Experiences.

About the Author

Margaret Long is a voracious reader on all aspects of gardening with a particular interest in trees and shrubs. Margaret's knowledge and expertise and the joy she found in visiting gardens and sharing her knowledge saw her begin 'Margaret Long's Tours', which ran most successfully over a period of twenty years. Margaret led groups to many European and Australasian gardens before the Covid era. Margaret published eight issues of The Gardener's Journal in 2008 and 2009 until other commitments, including the tours and her own garden with its increasing number of visitors, led to her setting it aside for a time. Frensham has now been open to visitors for twenty-seven years. Margaret's monthly newsletter Writings from Frensham is read by gardeners throughout the world. She is also Editor of the journal of the New Zealand Branch of the International Dendrology Society and author, with photographer Juliet Nicholas, of Frensham: A New Zealand Garden, chosen by The Listener as one of its 2019 'Top 100 Books of the Year'.

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