Bold Types: Indie Bookshops of Aotearoa New Zealand
by Jane Ussher
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A tribute to 32 truly independent bookshops throughout Aotearoa New Zealand, from north of Auckland down to Dunedin, and coast to coast. Jane Ussher’s photographs show every bookstore in its unique nature — including behind the counter, smoko rooms, the mess which tells the hardworking story behind the joy of matching books with customers. Jemma Moreira’s careful editing has crafted the bookseller’s own descriptions of their businesses into lively narratives of the daily joys of running city and small-town bookshops. Deborah Coddington’s introduction highlights the contributions the long history of bookselling has made to small towns, cities, and individuals’ lives throughout the making of Aotearoa New Zealand:
Why a book on bookshops? It's personal. I've long wanted to do this book, in fact it's why I started publishing after I sold the Martinborough Bookshop and couldn't persuade any publishers to accept my submission for a book celebrating the Bold Types who risk all to defy (ahem) Amazon, the franchises, and the big guys. It's not a history, nor does it include every indie bookshop in NZ. What it is, is an emotionally beautiful, quirky, breathtaking, and interesting tribute to booksellers, publishers, writers, photographers, illustrators and especially readers. A surprise on every page. And dogs. And children.