Beyond the Pale
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He was on Aotea, Great Barrier Island, the night the Tiri sank; performed guerilla theatre on the steps of Parliament; got arrested in Auckland for throwing a flower at a policeman; was a fruit-picker and railway worker in Australia; acted with Rough Theatre in London, was arrested yet again at a demo in London while working as a solicitor's clerk, taught English at the Dublin School in Barcelona; was Equity Union rep in Auckland; acted in Noh drama in Japan, went to Northern ireland in the wake of the Troubles; fought for employment righta and against nuclear warships in Japan; has been a kaitautoko at Ihumatao and it's all true!
About the Author
Farrell Cleary was born in Kaikoura in 1948 to James and Hilary Cleary (nee Lovett); his siblings are Brigid, Joanna, mark and Gabrielle. Farrell has lived in Hamua, Fairlie, Oamaru, Auckland, Melbourne, Paris, London, Barcelona, Turin, Kumamoto, Aix-en-Provence and Tsu. He met Yuko Takahashi in 1982; they married in 1984 and live in Mt Eden.