Kuwi & Friends Rapua! I Spy: Kiwi Road Trip Games
by Kat Quin
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Inviting children to explore, discover in both English and Maori. This blend of education and amusement brims with 'I Spy with My Little Eye' challenges, promising endless hours of interactive enjoyment. Through captivating Kiwiana seek-and-find tasks, this collection not only captivates young minds but also nurtures language skills. A portion from each purchase is donated to the 'Save the Kiwi' charity. Illustrations from the mutli-award winning Kuwi & Friends Maori Picture Dictionary. Format: Paperback, with perforated pages
About the Author
Kat Quin is a best-selling and award-winning author, illustrator and designer from the Waikato. The Kuwi and Friends Maori Picture Dictionary was inspired by her children, who have been passionately learning te reo Maori at school. Her hope is that this series will provide an accessible and practical way to help whanau (family members) feel confident to use more Maori words in the home. Kat first worked with Pania Papa at the age of eighteen, when she was entrusted with the illustration of Maori language resources for Te Ara Reo Maori, developed by Takatu Associates Ltd. Over twenty years on, they still work closely together on various educational projects.Pania Papa is an acclaimed Maori language consultant and advocate who has spent the past three decades devoted to the teaching and learning of te reo Maori. After ten years of teaching te reo at Waikato University, Pania began to create Maori language resources and learning programmes through Takatu Associates Ltd. Maori TV viewers can watch Pania, on AKO and Opaki. Recently, Pania and fellow trustees launched Kotahi Rau Pukapuka, a charitable project aiming to release 100 books in te reo over the next decade. Pania translated all of the te reo Maori in this pukapuka (book), as well as advising and editing.