Hibiscus Tart
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Tart was a term aimed at wahine toa who were confident, outspoken, and Indigenous - mana wahine who were our nans, mums, aunties, and sisters. As staunch advocates for social justice, they questioned the establishment, including the literary gatekeepers of the time.
Hibiscus Tart gives a seriously fan-gurly nod to this radical cohort of mana wahine. It's for all you bloody tarts out there doing the hard mahi, equalising the playing field, feeding the fam, calling the karanga, surviving, representing, past, present and future.
About the Author
Carin Smeaton (Muaupoko/Ngati Hamoa) has published poems in Landfall, Cordite, Spinoff, Turbine, Best New Zealand Poems, NZ Listener, and was the feature author in the 2024 issue of Poetry NZ. She is based in Tamaki Makaurau / Auckland. Hibiscus Tart is her second collection of poetry.